LTE Connection
Fundamentals of LTE
An LTE stick connected to the Air unit is part of a ZeroTier ( ZT ) network. Any other devices connected to the ZeroTier network can receive data from the Air unit. Any device with a data connection can view video (no telemetry or RC yet) via QOpen.HD app. As of now only one ZeroTier connected device can receive LTE video.
Latency is variable depending on the quality of your 3g/4g/5g connection. Latency has been measured at about 350ms with a 3g connection and 1280x720 30fps raspberry pi camera v2 via gstreamer.
LTE Hardware
Air unit
Open.HD compatible WiFi adapter for the Air unit
3g/4g/5g data stick. Must be Linux compatible Hilink compatibility is good. Internal WiFi is probably bad. A good example LTE stick is a Huawei e3372h
Possibly a sim adapter. Most phone sims are Nano size and many LTE sticks require a larger sim card/adapter
Telecom provider that does not throttle or limit your data rate or connection speed
Ground unit and associated hardware is recommended but not required. You could just view your Air unit video sent by LTE on any internet connected device which is also part of your ZeroTier network (your smart phone running ZeroTier and QOpen.HD app)
Setup LTE
This is still all experimental and lacks polish. I do not recommend trying this if you are new to Open.HD
signup for a ZeroTier account and establish a network (its free)
note your ZeroTier network ID
setup your viewing device on the ZeroTier network. For phones you will need an app. Computers install a ZeroTier program for your platform.
wherever you manage your ZeroTier network, confirm that your viewing device is connected ( you probably have to authorize the viewing device). Note the IP address of the viewing device as shown on ZeroTier network manager
under the LTE section:
install QOpen.HD app on your viewing device. On the QOpen.HD app "video" enable the LTE Video slider control
plug your LTE stick, Open.HD compatible WiFi dongle, and camera, into your Air unit and power up install happens at runtime, so first time takes extra long (like 1 extra minute, its hacky right now). I highly recommend attaching a monitor to your Air unit and follow the install
go to your ZeroTier network manager and you should see a new device trying to connect. You probably have to authorize the device with ZeroTier.
at this point video data should be getting sent by the Air unit -> LTE stick -> ZeroTier -> IP address of ZeroTier viewing device -> QOpen.HD app. ZeroTier network manager will look like this. Note the Authorization check marks on left. Also note I have 3 devices however you can only send video to one IP at this time.
Troubleshooting: If you do not see your LTE stick connecting to ZeroTier its probably a problem with the install on the Air unit. You can delete
ZeroTier tracker.txt
file created inboot
partition of the Air unit SD card (this will force a reinstall attempt) and hook up a monitor to Air unit to see what's going on. The ZeroTier tracker file gets created upon every install attempt. If that fails you can look at an Open.HD image or in the GitHub repo withinwifibroadcast scripts
and the
are the install steps- try those manually on a pi with your LTE stick and attempt a manual installationSome of these 3g/4g cards pull a lot of amps. YOU MUST SUPPLY SUFFICIENT POWER TO AIR UNIT AND WiFi ADAPTERS!
Last updated
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